Our Team

Kristen Noel

Certified Intuitive Divorce Coach, mother of 1, writer, Co-Founder of Best Self Magazine and the Intuitive Divorce coaching program. [Honored among the “Best Divorce Coaches for Moms” by Life Coach Magazine, 2024.]

My life has had more dramatic twists and turns than a Lifetime movie...I kid you not. I couldn’t possibly have seen it then, but my undoing was my salvation, my roadmap home...back to me. 

When my marriage fell apart, the world was a very different place. I didn't have access to the resources that are available today. With a toddler on my hip, I was forced to stumble my way through healing, rebuilding and becoming. 

It was messy, imperfect and hard, but it all led to here — to this place where I learned to harness the power of my intuition and life experiences. No longer playing the victim, I saved myself and rescripted my life. 

Today, I have the BEST job in the world. I walk beside mommas and help them navigate the messiness of divorce, reclaim the lost pieces of themselves and become the women they were born to be and the parent they want to be. 

When one woman heals a part of herself, its effects ripple far and wide. 

I live in the Catskill Mountains in Woodstock, New York with my dream-keeper (a man who saw me, didn’t save me) and our spoiled dog. We co-create in life and business. I love dark chocolate, red wine, great books, walks in the woods (and occasional Netflix binge-watching).

Bill Miles

Holistic Divorce Coach, father of 3, Co-Founder of Best Self Magazine and the Intuitive Divorce coaching program

Almost 20 years ago, divorce completely ripped apart my life. It ripped apart the lives of my 3 kids. It ripped apart my finances and my health. 

But there was a silver lining awaiting me…an opportunity to look back and uncover all that led to that moment. What was my role in it? Where had I betrayed myself? And how could I rescript my next chapter to live more aware, more awake, more…ME?

Divorce set me free in more ways than one. Motivated by a desire to support and nurture my kids during this turbulent time, together we embarked on a journey of healthy living…body, mind and soul. Today we hike, bike, ski, meditate, practice yoga and cook…leaning into nature as our playground for self-care. This was our medicine.

I realize now, I didn’t have all the tools I wish I had back then. But as it turns out, while I made mistakes — I also did a lot right. All of these experiences, growing pains and bumps in the road informed my mission to help other parents and children navigate divorce with as little suffering as possible…physically, financially and emotionally. 

This work is a labor of love which will pay dividends for generations forward. That’s the legacy I wish to leave.