Intuition Calling
Did you know that your intuition is DYING to talk to you? As a matter of fact, she is jumping up and down flailing her arms in front of your face trying to get you to look her way.
When you walk away, she sighs and begins strategizing on how to get your attention. This is where your body, mind and spirit connection comes into play. And trust me, I know. She’ll use whatever means possible to call to you.
For example, emotional stress can manifest in physical form. For me, when I was in the throes of vulnerability and consumed with fear during a period in my divorce, my lower back completely gave out. I was literally laying on the kitchen floor with a sleeping child down the hall that I couldn’t even get up to help if I needed to. It was terrifying — and a real eye-opener.
This was before I knew how to pay attention to the signs, but this was the beginning for me. When something aches, or you get derailed, or have a headache or any ailment or you feel cranky or like you are coming unraveled — ask it why it is here, what it wants you to see, what the message is that you’ve been overstepping. Remember, the body keeps the score!
I don’t believe that anything is random, ever. And the more that we can find a way to lean into our own intuition, to face the truth of what isn’t working or feeling right — even if we’ve ignored it up until this moment, the better. This is the space where healing begins and new ways of being, and new chapters are written.
There are real things you can do to support this:
1. Get yourself back to safety
We talk a lot about this in our program. The first step to healing is getting back into your body, calming your nervous system and grounding so you can feel safe. When you feel yourself slipping or being triggered — find ways to interrupt the pattern. This can be done with breathwork, tapping, meditation, standing barefoot in the grass, movement, stillness, havening, etc. We want to get out of reactive mode before taking action or making decisions.
2. Stop looking OUTSIDE of you
While you can be supported by books, programs, podcasts, friends and professionals, etc., only you know what you want. Besides, you are the one who will have to live with your choices when all the dust settles and everyone else and their big opinions go home to their lives. This is your life. Live it according to your own inner compass.
3. Dare to ask yourself, “What do I want?”
Seems simple enough, right? So simple in fact that we step right over it. When was the last time you explored that question, if ever? And for such a simple question, it actually packs quite a punch. If it feels uncomfortable or makes you a bit uneasy, start with asking yourself, “How do I want to feel?” Allow that to guide you and spark some new thinking.
4. Get quiet, listen to the stillness and invoke awareness
When was the last time you sat in silence? The truth is that we stay in motion to avoid the truth of what we know. When we get quiet, we tune in — and when we tune in, we hear. Ask yourself, “Is this a pattern repeating itself? Is this the truth? Do I control this?”
Then follow up by asking yourself, “OK, if this isn’t mine to control, what CAN I control and what can I do to shift it?” Can you see how you might be spending more attention on resisting what you want rather than figuring out how to get there?
5. Hone Your Truth
The bottom line is that the more we package ourselves to serve the needs of others or to show up the way we think others want and expect us to show up — the farther we get away from ourselves and the truth of who we are. The more we practice this (even unknowingly) the harder it is to find our way back.
Self-sacrifice is betrayal when done for the wrong reasons.
When we live a lie and when we perpetuate that lie, we dull our sparkle and joy. We lose pieces of ourselves. We don’t recognize who we have become. We feel like a caged animal ready to explode. Yes, the truth will set you free but first you must declare the truth to yourself and give yourself permission to honor it.
6. The 5-Minute Gift
I know you’re busy. I know you have a lot on your plate. I know you are overwhelmed with decision making, your job, running your household, showing up for your kids — but you have no idea how impactful 5 minutes can be for your health and wellbeing. When you catch yourself spiraling — step out of the chaos of an interaction, interrupt a pattern, avoid saying words you wish you hadn’t or taking regrettable action. Write a new script — a new way of being.
Do you have a pattern you are aware of that plays out — maybe it’s something that happens or a reaction you have when you get triggered? What’s your go-to setting that gets you in trouble?
To counter this, take a proactive stance. Incorporate these breaks into your day knowing they will serve you and keep you on track. Take 5 minutes to walk outside, sit in the sun, close your eyes and breathe. Doesn’t it feel better just reading that?
Your intuition is your best friend. And like a TRUE best friend, she isn’t going to tell you everything you want to hear, when you want to hear it. We all want what we want when we want it, but tapping into your intuition is so much more than getting what you think you want — it’s trusting the timing, believing in yourself, and knowing that everything is working out. And I know that isn’t easy to swallow at first, especially for action-takers who like to control all the chess pieces at any given point.
But that strategy will only cause you suffering and deplete you. And that’s the last thing you need right now.
A big part of the reason you are here in the hot seat of divorce is because somewhere along the line you dismissed your intuition, you denied the truth and stopped paying attention to what was unfolding around you and all the trickle-down consequences for you and your kids. But here’s the good news: You can change that right now, right here simply by having this conversation and bringing new awareness into your life.
You’ve already taken that action step. You are here leaning in and your intuition is doing a happy dance.
Living a life that is aligned with your intuition is one of so much more ease, comfort and peace that cuts out the chaos. Isn’t that what you want more of? That’s what I thought…so go for it, it’s there for the taking, mama.
I hear the phone’s for YOU!
If you would like me to guide you to activate your intuition, to step into your full power, get off the emotional rollercoaster and take control of your divorce to achieve the best outcomes for you and your kids, book a free divorce strategy session and let’s do this together.
Have you become a bit disconnected from your intuition over the years? How does it show up for you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below so we can continue the conversation.