Blog & Podcast
Showing Up, Reclaiming Self: A Client Spotlight with Tanya
In this client spotlight, Tanya sits with Kristen Noel, founder of the Intuitive Divorce, and shares her journey of transformation and self-discovery through divorce
Mixed Bag of Divorce Emotions
There is duality in divorce, a mixed bag of feelings. It is OK to be in pain and still want to leave your marriage.
Home Is Where the Mama Is
There will be many changes along this divorce path, but they all lead you home — to yourself and a new life chapter.
Let Them Do Them
When we relinquish control of the things we can’t control we can reclaim our power.
Getting Your Divorce Ducks in a Row
Divorce prep will vary for everyone, but there are a few core tenets that work together — and a prepared divorce is a better divorce.
Building Your Own Scaffolding
Knowing what you need to be supported in divorce (and getting it) is a gamechanger for your experience and outcomes — and shouldn’t be an afterthought.
Are You Worth It?
Mothers navigating divorce are easily derailed by fear, finances and worthiness. Understanding how they are intertwined is a game changer.
Your Future Self is Calling
If you could author the way your divorce would play would it go? Guess what? Your future self is trying to help you do that right now.
I Used to Be Fun
When we face off with divorce, we also face off with reclaiming all the lost pieces and parts of ourselves.
New Boundaries, New YOU
Most people see boundaries as restrictive, but they are actually an invitation and a pathway to freedom, peace and ease.
Ditch the Resolutions
If resolutions feel constricting or overwhelming or just out of reach at the moment...consider a different approach, mama.