Blog & Podcast
Getting Your Divorce Ducks in a Row
Divorce prep will vary for everyone, but there are a few core tenets that work together — and a prepared divorce is a better divorce.
Are You Worth It?
Mothers navigating divorce are easily derailed by fear, finances and worthiness. Understanding how they are intertwined is a game changer.
The Cost of Divorce
The cost of divorce can stop you in your tracks — but so can the cost of inaction, staying stuck in an unhealthy marriage, or making the wrong moves.
Financial Clarity in Divorce: In Conversation with My Divorce Solution
Money can be a big trigger in divorce. Getting clarity around your finances is not only calming and empowering — it’s strategic.
The Money Story
Many women have a complicated relationship with money that goes beyond bank accounts — it’s a big trigger in divorce, but there’s more to the money story.
The Perfect Strategy
Divorce is as much of an internal job as an external one. You’re going to need help, but you are the chief strategist, mama
Money, Money...Money
We can have tricky relationships with money, especially during divorce — but we can also renegotiate that relationship and adopt a ‘head of household’ mindset
Can’t Imagine a New Chapter? Debunking 5 Divorce Myths
As mamas we often lose ourselves, dismiss our needs and deny our truths. And we subscribe to myths that hold us back in divorce...but it’s time to debunk them