Blog & Podcast
I Used to Be Fun
When we face off with divorce, we also face off with reclaiming all the lost pieces and parts of ourselves.
Could You Buy Your Ex a Gift?
What if I told you buying a gift for your ex from your kids is about your kids not your ex? It’s about making them feel safe to love both parents.
I’m Done: When Collaboration Goes Awry
Of course you want to collaborate with your ex for the benefit of the kids, but what happens when that falls apart?
The Good Time Charlie Parent
Parenting in divorce often feels like a volley between good cop / bad cop requiring steadfast consistency to avoid long-term suffering for your kids.
How Do I Tell The Kids?
Concerned about how, what and when to tell the kids about divorce? Start by not making it about you. Harsh, I know, but you will never regret following this path.
Back to School...Back to Divorce
There are seasons in the calendar and in life — harness the back-to-school energy to embrace a new pace in your divorce and achieving your desired outcomes
Tissue Box After Tissue Box: A Client Spotlight with Erika
One of our Intuitive Divorce grads shares her divorce journey, one of healing while divorcing mindfully and strategically.
The Myth of 50/50
Of course, you care about getting your kids through the divorce and avoiding parental alienation, but beware of the 50/50 custody trap.
Putting Out Fires
Divorce can feel like a series of wildfires that thrust you into reactive mode, but you are far better served by grounded, intuitive, calm strategy.
THE Tough Conversation
Not having the tough conversations in divorce doesn’t change anything or make the problems and pain go away — in fact it makes it worse.
Common Ground, Kids & Divorce
What if two warring factions (i.e. you and your ex) could bridge the gap of your differences for the benefit of your kid’s needs?
To Nest or Not to Nest
There are lots of co-parenting choices to be made in divorce like cohabitating or nesting — it’s not always easy to know which is right for you.