Blog & Podcast
Take Back Your Power
Power can mean a lot of things — it can be less about force and more about flow. It is also about reclaiming your feminine intuition.
No Time for That Right Now
Divorce is overwhelming for sure, but ignoring your intuition is a big mistake in your divorce process (and life).
Where Did You Go?
Divorce in all its messiness and complexity is also an opportunity for healing and reclaiming lost pieces and parts of ourself.
Breaking Cycles, Changing Futures
There’s a way to help your kids not repeat your patterns (divorce included) starts with healing and breaking cycles.
Trusting YOUR Timing
You set the clock on your own healing — the key is learning to trust it.
The Wrong Train
There are reasons we land where we are...seeing the patterns that led to here helps us break them.
Your Next Date
Self-love is one of those afterthoughts that gets shoved to the side, but it’s actually a non-negotiable for your healing and divorce strategy.
Getting Under the Hood
There are reasons our life lands where it does...are you ready to look at it?
Who Gets to Live Here?
Your thoughts and emotions are prime real estate — who holds the key to yours?
Who Are YOU?
How we introduce ourselves to strangers is a gauge for how we view ourselves. It’s easy to lose yourself in your marriage, but divorce is a chance to rewrite that bio