Blog & Podcast
Pre-Holiday Divorce Hangover
Feeling hungover from the holiday before it’s even begun? Focus less on the optics of the holidays and more on the heart.
Terms & Conditions
You can’t wait for all the stars to align perfectly or to check off everything on the to-do list each day in order to consider yourself and your needs (especially in divorce)
Will You Remember Yourself?
One day you will look back upon this painful experience — will you remember the truth...will you see your courage and heart? I want you to remember yourself.
Giving Thanks
Holidays come laden with expectation and anything less than can feel deflating, but it’s hard to get excited about holidays when life is in disarray
Letting It Rip
Sometimes the best medicine is not rushing to fix everything — and instead allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling
The Perfect Strategy
Divorce is as much of an internal job as an external one. You’re going to need help, but you are the chief strategist, mama
Triggers Are Truthtellers
Triggers get a bad rap, but there is a way to harness their power and transform them into trusted allies
Worry vs. Trust
You will eventually get to the other side of divorce, the question is in what condition? The gamechanger here is choosing to focus on worry or trust.
Reframing the Stories We Tell
It’s easy to slip when we feel triggered, especially in divorce; reframing our perspective of any situation helps us regain our power
What If...
We can have tricky relationships with money, especially during divorce — but we can also renegotiate that relationship and adopt a ‘head of household’ mindset
Hiding Behind God
There are lots of opinions in divorce (most of them unsolicited) — but judgment and imposing your beliefs on another is one of the worst