Blog & Podcast
The (Dreaded) Talk: How to Say You Want a Divorce
Everyone’s a big talker, until it comes time to having ‘the talk’ — the dreaded conversation about leaving that stops them in their tracks.
Go Ahead, Call Me from Your Car
When I sit down for a session and a mama calls in from her car — I get excited. You know why? Because it tells me she’s ready.
To Do or Not to Do List
When we squeeze ourselves right off our to-do lists, we deny ourselves the chance to process our feelings — to grieve even if we want to leave.
Tissue Box After Tissue Box: A Client Spotlight with Erika
One of our Intuitive Divorce grads shares her divorce journey, one of healing while divorcing mindfully and strategically.
The Myth of 50/50
Of course, you care about getting your kids through the divorce and avoiding parental alienation, but beware of the 50/50 custody trap.
Putting Out Fires
Divorce can feel like a series of wildfires that thrust you into reactive mode, but you are far better served by grounded, intuitive, calm strategy.
You, Your Intuition & Your Lawyer
It takes a village to get divorced and a lawyer may be a part of that, but the most important player is your own intuition.
THE Tough Conversation
Not having the tough conversations in divorce doesn’t change anything or make the problems and pain go away — in fact it makes it worse.
Emotional Guardrails
As a mama, protection comes with the job. Protecting our kids, our home, our friends & family...even our soon-to-be-ex. But who’s protecting YOU?
Follow Your Gut
While there are many paths, opinions and professionals to consider in the divorce, there is one that is a gamechanger, bar none — your intuition
Summer of Rebalance
A working mom can struggle with balance on a good day — toss in a divorce and you’ve got a perfect recipe for squeezing yourself out — or rebalancing.
Happy Thoughts in Motion
There are a lot of buzz words that get thrown around in the quest for self-help and healing, but few that can help us go from inspiration to implementation.