Blog & Podcast
What Your Kids Really Want
During divorce it’s tempting to impose our opinions on our kids — but what they really need is space to process their own feelings
Does Divorce Make You a Bad Person?
Mothers possess a powerful gift of intuition and great skill of suppressing it — but honoring yourself doesn’t make you a bad person.
One Step Forward...3 Steps Back
Progress isn’t always pretty, mama — especially when it comes to kids, emotional healing, and divorce...but that doesn’t mean it isn’t progress
Caught In the Middle
No one consciously wants to place their kids in the middle of the divorce conflict, but it takes conscious awareness to prevent it.
Time For a Reframe?
Reframing divorce isn’t about revisionist history — it’s seizing the opportunity to see something we hadn’t heal and to tell a new story
Pre-Holiday Divorce Hangover
Feeling hungover from the holiday before it’s even begun? Focus less on the optics of the holidays and more on the heart.
Will You Remember Yourself?
One day you will look back upon this painful experience — will you remember the truth...will you see your courage and heart? I want you to remember yourself.
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Kids
Spoiler alert: It doesn’t need to cost a lot of money, it doesn’t need to take a lot of time — but it can change history
Giving Thanks
Holidays come laden with expectation and anything less than can feel deflating, but it’s hard to get excited about holidays when life is in disarray
The Perfect Strategy
Divorce is as much of an internal job as an external one. You’re going to need help, but you are the chief strategist, mama
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Divorce is hard, but so is cleaning up the regrettable words and actions. And witnessing it all are the kids...what do you want them to see?
Can’t Imagine a New Chapter? Debunking 5 Divorce Myths
As mamas we often lose ourselves, dismiss our needs and deny our truths. And we subscribe to myths that hold us back in divorce...but it’s time to debunk them