Blog & Podcast
How Do I Tell The Kids?
Concerned about how, what and when to tell the kids about divorce? Start by not making it about you. Harsh, I know, but you will never regret following this path.
Who Is This Person I Married?
Divorce reveals a lot of feelings, realities and surprising behaviors — it’s also where people you thought you knew, show their true colors.
Financial Clarity in Divorce: In Conversation with My Divorce Solution
Money can be a big trigger in divorce. Getting clarity around your finances is not only calming and empowering — it’s strategic.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Mamas often put themselves through the emotional ringer before acknowledging that they want out of their marriages. But when is enough, enough?
The (Dreaded) Talk: How to Say You Want a Divorce
Everyone’s a big talker, until it comes time to having ‘the talk’ — the dreaded conversation about leaving that stops them in their tracks.
Go Ahead, Call Me from Your Car
When I sit down for a session and a mama calls in from her car — I get excited. You know why? Because it tells me she’s ready.
Back to School...Back to Divorce
There are seasons in the calendar and in life — harness the back-to-school energy to embrace a new pace in your divorce and achieving your desired outcomes
To Do or Not to Do List
When we squeeze ourselves right off our to-do lists, we deny ourselves the chance to process our feelings — to grieve even if we want to leave.
Tissue Box After Tissue Box: A Client Spotlight with Erika
One of our Intuitive Divorce grads shares her divorce journey, one of healing while divorcing mindfully and strategically.
The Myth of 50/50
Of course, you care about getting your kids through the divorce and avoiding parental alienation, but beware of the 50/50 custody trap.
Putting Out Fires
Divorce can feel like a series of wildfires that thrust you into reactive mode, but you are far better served by grounded, intuitive, calm strategy.
You, Your Intuition & Your Lawyer
It takes a village to get divorced and a lawyer may be a part of that, but the most important player is your own intuition.