Blog & Podcast
THE Tough Conversation
Not having the tough conversations in divorce doesn’t change anything or make the problems and pain go away — in fact it makes it worse.
Emotional Guardrails
As a mama, protection comes with the job. Protecting our kids, our home, our friends & family...even our soon-to-be-ex. But who’s protecting YOU?
Follow Your Gut
While there are many paths, opinions and professionals to consider in the divorce, there is one that is a gamechanger, bar none — your intuition
Summer of Rebalance
A working mom can struggle with balance on a good day — toss in a divorce and you’ve got a perfect recipe for squeezing yourself out — or rebalancing.
Happy Thoughts in Motion
There are a lot of buzz words that get thrown around in the quest for self-help and healing, but few that can help us go from inspiration to implementation.
Common Ground, Kids & Divorce
What if two warring factions (i.e. you and your ex) could bridge the gap of your differences for the benefit of your kid’s needs?
Planting Seeds
Out with the old and in with the new — divorce is like weeding and seeding — and consciously planting a new life garden
Faith, Fear and a Happier Ending
If our thoughts become things...could we find a way to relate differently to our fear and write a happier ending?
Suffering No More
There are big feelings, ups, downs and all arounds to be navigated in life (and especially divorce) — but the degree to which we suffer is optional.
Spring Cleaning & Divorce
Divorce is a season of transition — and like a good spring cleaning, we can reassess what no longer fits in our closets and lives
The Money Story
Many women have a complicated relationship with money that goes beyond bank accounts — it’s a big trigger in divorce, but there’s more to the money story.
To Nest or Not to Nest
There are lots of co-parenting choices to be made in divorce like cohabitating or nesting — it’s not always easy to know which is right for you.