Blog & Podcast
The Biggest Divorce Hack
Divorce can feel like a life sentence, but it’s actually an opportunity for a new way of living.
Holiday Hall Pass
It’s hard to get excited about holidays when life is in disarray — could you give yourself permission to release expectations and see this as temporary?
I’m Done: When Collaboration Goes Awry
Of course you want to collaborate with your ex for the benefit of the kids, but what happens when that falls apart?
The Good Time Charlie Parent
Parenting in divorce often feels like a volley between good cop / bad cop requiring steadfast consistency to avoid long-term suffering for your kids.
Intuition Calling
The call of your intuition is not one you want to let go to voicemail! Living a life that is aligned with your intuition is one of ease, comfort and peace.
Turning Anger into Hope: A Client Spotlight with Barbara
One of our Intuitive Divorce grads shares her divorce journey, one of healing while divorcing mindfully and strategically.
It's Okay to Not Be Liked
Is it more important to be liked by others or to like oneself? Whose life are you living — and what do you want to model for your kids, mama?
How Do I Tell The Kids?
Concerned about how, what and when to tell the kids about divorce? Start by not making it about you. Harsh, I know, but you will never regret following this path.
Who Is This Person I Married?
Divorce reveals a lot of feelings, realities and surprising behaviors — it’s also where people you thought you knew, show their true colors.
Financial Clarity in Divorce: In Conversation with My Divorce Solution
Money can be a big trigger in divorce. Getting clarity around your finances is not only calming and empowering — it’s strategic.
Should I Stay or Should I Go?
Mamas often put themselves through the emotional ringer before acknowledging that they want out of their marriages. But when is enough, enough?
The (Dreaded) Talk: How to Say You Want a Divorce
Everyone’s a big talker, until it comes time to having ‘the talk’ — the dreaded conversation about leaving that stops them in their tracks.