Blog & Podcast
Rediscovering Self
The discovery phase in divorce is not all about financial’s about so much more...
Checking In or Checking Out?
The moves that you make now will influence all that comes next — that’s why the team you have supporting you is so critical.
Caught In the Middle
No one consciously wants to place their kids in the middle of the divorce conflict, but it takes conscious awareness to prevent it.
This Is Temporary
Of course, your divorce will come to an end...eventually. You can’t rush the process but you can embrace the opportunity for healing.
Time For a Reframe?
Reframing divorce isn’t about revisionist history — it’s seizing the opportunity to see something we hadn’t heal and to tell a new story
Broken Promises
You’ll need a team in divorce, but the person you’ll need to rely upon above all is staring back at you in the mirror.
The Power of Showing Up
Putting your fate into the hands of the system won’t necessarily yield the results you desire, especially in divorce — showing up will.
Pre-Holiday Divorce Hangover
Feeling hungover from the holiday before it’s even begun? Focus less on the optics of the holidays and more on the heart.
Terms & Conditions
You can’t wait for all the stars to align perfectly or to check off everything on the to-do list each day in order to consider yourself and your needs (especially in divorce)
Will You Remember Yourself?
One day you will look back upon this painful experience — will you remember the truth...will you see your courage and heart? I want you to remember yourself.
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Kids
Spoiler alert: It doesn’t need to cost a lot of money, it doesn’t need to take a lot of time — but it can change history